Website of a seafood shop

After our SEO department worked out and applied the right strategy, department, our customer’s website (a seafood e-store), the volume of traffic increased by 380%, including that from search engines by 85% got as many as five times more purchases.

About company

This seafood e-store definitely deserved getting to the top of the search results. It offered fresh sea foods at competitive prices. Over the past few years, the number of the site visitors didn’t grow, so the company started its promotion.

What We Did


The Goals Set:

1. To improve visibility of the website in the SERP for the most requests. To get the site to the TOP-10; for high-frequency queries – to the TOP-3

2. To building the company’s brand recognition.

3. To attract new buyers.

The Results Achieved:

1. We carried out technical optimization of the website. We found and fixed site errors and broken links, removed duplicate pages. The issues with URLs, robots.txt and sitemap.xml have also been resolved.

2. When promoting the site, we were constantly expanding all sections of the site structure.

3. At the initial stage, we wrote about 20 unique texts and placed on the site pages, both on newly created and existing ones.


total growth of traffic

x5 times

more purchases


growth of traffic from search engines

x6 times

Increased number of clicks per year

Methods and tools

Technical SEO audit

Identifying all potential issues that may negatively affect crawling and indexing of the web pages by different search engines.

Competitor Analysis

Finding out who the customer’s main competitors are, both in the market and on the Web; revealing what links and keywords they are using.

Technical Optimization

Taking various measures to help search engines’ spiders crawl and index the customer’s web pages faster and easier, which improves organic rankings.

Text content optimization

Improving the customer’s content from the search engines’ point of view, ensuring that the text contains specific keywords on the particular places.

Site Structure Expansion

Expanding the overall structure of the customer’s website while keeping it well-thought-out and easy-to-navigate.

Backlinks Purchase

Purchasing quality backlinks, especially anchor links of high-rated websites, boosts growth of the customer’s website ratings.

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