A furniture e-store

A small regional firm selling furniture had certain problems with optimization of its website, so the number of visitors left much to be desired. Our team improved its performance, and the number of buyers increased fourfold.

About company

The company who owns this e-store is well-known on the market of high-end furniture. The website was more than a decade old and badly needed brushing-up. When the number of unique visitors began to decrease, the owner decided to hire professionals.

What We did


The Goals set:

1. To perform general technical optimization, improving the overall rankings of the customer’s website in search engines.

2. To fine-tune the site for better visibility in SERPs by the key phrases like: “new furniture”, “buy furniture”, “upholstered furniture”, “buy a sofa”, etc.

3. To expand the customer’s sphere of influence by expanding the site structure.

The Results Achieved:

1. Technical improvements applied to the site included updating the robots.txt file; fixing broken links, and replacing internal ones. Also, we implemented the breadcrumb trail navigation; generated headings on the pages devoted to brands and enabled their indexing; applied the rich snippet.

2. After eliminating all the critical technical errors, we thoroughly worked through the main sections of the website and expanded them. We collected the semantic core, formed keyword clusters, created new pages and wrote high-quality, optimized texts.

3. While dealing with queries, we arranged the following segments in order of importance, namely: all catalog categories in order of priority for the client; requests of the top priority for the client; Top-1000 of the most frequent requests, Top-50 of the most frequent tips. Starting from the first segment, the following optimization works were done every month: updating the queries; breakdown of the queries by the website pages; improving the text optimization, i.e., headings, product names, link anchors, changing the texts and correcting the linking: changing parent categories, adding/removing text links; creating new pages.

TOP 10

205 queries we promoted

x4 times

more buyers


increase in the traffic from search engines

x6 times

increased number of clicks per year

Methods and tools

Technical SEO audit

Identifying all potential issues that may negatively affect crawling and indexing of the web pages by different search engines.

Competitor Analysis

Finding out who the customer’s main competitors are, both in the market and on the Web; revealing what links and keywords they are using.

Technical optimization

Taking various measures to help search engines’ spiders crawl and index the customer’s web pages faster and easier, which improves organic rankings.

Text content optimization

Improving the customer’s content from the search engines’ point of view, ensuring that the text contains specific keywords on the particular places.

Site Structure Expansion

Expanding the overall structure of the customer’s website while keeping it well-thought-out and easy-to-navigate.

Backlinks Purchase

Purchasing quality backlinks, especially anchor links of high-rated websites, boosts growth of the customer’s website ratings.

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